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Old sheet music: Songs the world sings 1st Volume

Page Updated: 15th January 2019
- Title:Songs the world sings 1st Volume
- Type:Sheet Music Book
- Year:1962
- First Line:Various
- Composer:Various
- Lyrisist:Various
- Publisher:Lawrence Wright
- Key Note:Various
- Item ID:6690
- Details:Bumber song album containing: Ain''t misbehavin'', Ain''t she sweet, Am I wasting my time, Among my souvenirs, Amy, Are we downhearted no, Babette, Back to those happy days, Blue eyes, Boomps-a-daisy, Burlington Bertie from Bow, Caravan, Carolina moon, City of laughter city of tears, Clouds will soon roll by, Count your blessings, Dear father Christmas, Don''t go down the mine daddy, Down by the stream, Down in the glen, Dream of delight, Girl of my dreams, Glad rag doll, God be with you, God keep you is my prayer, Golden dreamboat, Gordon for me, Happy days are here again, Have you ever been lonely, House with love in it, I can''t give you anything but love, I may be wrong, I surrender dear, It''s the ring your mother wore, I wonder what''s become of Sally, King''s horses, Laughing Samba, Let me dream in your arms again, Lisp of a baby''s prayer, Light, Little white lies, Me and Jane in a plane, Memoreis of you, Mistakes, My love is only for you, Nobody loves a fairy when she''s forty, Old father Thames, Omaha, On the sunny side of the street, Playthings, Rainbow, Riviera rose, Romany rose, Sally, Shepherd of the hills, Shine, Shoe shine boy, Side by side, Silver star, Somewhere in France Dear mother, Speak, Stormy weather, That old fashioned mother of mine, There''s a tramp tramp tramp along the highway, There''s something about a soldier, Toy drum major, We''ll keep a welcome, When God gave you to me, When I''m cleaning windows, When the Guards are on parade, When you played the organ and I sang the rosary, With my Shillelagh under my arm, Why don''t my dreams come true, Wyoming lullaby & Yes we have no bananas - with many photos of Lawrence Wright and introduction by Peter Noble
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